Saturday, February 23, 2008

I am the Better Police.

I am the Better Police. I'm constantly on the look-out for occasions where I am not doing anything to better myself. And when I catch myself, I flip out and quickly try to "fix" the situation. Be it learning a new language, practicing the guitar more, exploring new places, exercising more, etc. I've been policing myself into doing these things with more and more vigor lately. It's not that I need to keep busy anymore. It's that I need to keep busy by bettering myself. And boy have I been doing a bang-up job lately. The Better Police are in full force these days.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I must admit.

I must admit I love this city.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Japanese classes.

Yesterday was my last class of Japanese I - which gives me exactly one week to rest my cluttered mind before I start the next one, Japanese II. I have no clue why I'm taking these classes. Maybe I'll visit soon. Hmmmmmm.. maybe I'll even move there someday..

Friday, February 1, 2008

A step in the right direction.

Looks like I'm moving again. In the next two weeks I'll be packing up all my stuff (read: just a couple of suitcases, some books, and a guitar) and moving them across the Charles to Cambridge. The best part about Central Square is that it has so much more character than my last place in South End. Of course, some people might read "more character" as "more homeless people" or "dirtier," but I'm actually looking forward to this change of pace. It'll be something different, which is always a step in the right direction.