Wednesday, February 20, 2013

the lesson bittersweet

ill take away
unearned gifts you did not notice
make you appreciate
soon youll miss how fortunate
you used to be before you met me
ill take away until you break

there was a man
born into a life most would envy
gifted with good friends
lots of luck and opportunities

imagine my surprise
when i met the man with everything
his sad ungrateful eyes
watching days pass by in apathy

the man should be shown
errors of his ways
so ill take it upon myself to break

there was a time
when he lived a life of luxury
now a broken man
only fortunes left are memories

now with eyes open
things taken for granted can be seen
the lesson bittersweet
he didnt know what he had till it went missing

ill take, and ill take
ill take everything away
until you break, until you break