Monday, August 10, 2009

the wicked current

wave goodbye
as the breeze catches the sails
and the distance grows
as the cruel wind blows
helplessly watch from the shore

empty dock
cues the heart to drop, its heavy
with regret
the last boat has left
jealously watch from the shore

the wicked current current pulls your dreams
further away out to open sea
you missed the boat now its too late
that ship has sailed, she got away

plant your feet in the sand
and try to let go
your hope slowly fades
like receding waves
helplessly watch from the shore

contemplating what would be worse?
dying trying to catch up
or dying alone in a dry grave
haunted by what you gave up


At August 11, 2009 at 6:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

nick there is always another boat,life is to be enjoyed not lamented over,the best times are still in front of you!!!,dad.


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